It's a very hot day here in the Pacific Northwest, all time heat records are being broken, even on the coastal areas. Just a little while ago, a little black bear was loping through the back yard, I think he needed a drink of water so much, he took a chance of being spotted by us humans! He was too quick for me to get a photo of him, but I'll keep my eyes open to spot him again. We have very few above ground sources of water around here, there is a small pond a few hundred yards from here, but we have a huge irrigated hay field across the road, and he may have been getting a drink from the sprinklers. It is so hot today, even the bees are scarce, and preoccupied with getting water. I float greenery in my animals water buckets so the bees can drink without drowning, and it lessens the chance of my animals getting stung. We have had a lot of cannibal bees show up this last week, but I came up (by accident) with a way to lure them away from the animals, without hurting the bees. I set out some left over cooked chicken for my puppies, but the bees went straight for it, so I moved the dish away from the dogs, and those bees devoured that chicken! It really kept them busy and away from my animals. I am a little surprised because I haven't seen many snakes during this heat wave, maybe it is too hot for them too! Well, I got a phone call from my dad today, and he got his birthday present I mailed to him last week. He was so happy, it really made me happy! He is a big bird lover, (I got it from him) so I gave him a piece of art I made called "bluebird in summer", it is a mixed media wall hanging with a lot of freemotion sewing involved. It came out well, and I used a lot of different techniques to make it, such as the discharge dying technique I used on the mountains. I used silk, bleach, and vinegar,( the vinegar neutralizes the bleach at the end of the process). My white silk ribbons arrived yesterday! I'm already starting another wedding bouquet, and I have a few ideas in mind... So I better go get busy! Goodbye from up the Chilwist, Lisette
Lisette Root resides with her husband in Omak, Washington, in the foothills of the mighty Cascade Mountains. Her days are filled with artwork, home making, and caring for the many formerly homeless animals that she and her husband have rescued over the years. While living in Alaska for many years, she and her family had many exciting adventures mining for gold. Most of the time she home schooled their two daughters, Bonnie and Silver, and they had plenty of time to try new arts and crafts together. They took their animal family of wolves and cats with them on their adventures , which was actually an adventure in itself! Now, her home base is Malott Washington, and there will be lots more adventures to come!
A Little About Me
Welcome to MelangeByLisette, I hope you find something interesting within... I love all forms of Art, and I have a great desire to try my hand at whatever captures my interest. I do not believe in mediocrity, or carelessness. When I create something myself, or when I am drawn to other artists works, I want to see a small piece of that persons soul in their work. I want to be able to feel and see the time of creation it took to bring forth a piece of art (any kind of art). After all, to me, this is what brings meaning to my life. The time it took to create a thing is non refundable, but extremely valuable. To love and to be loved, and to share that love with others, with art, for instance, is why I want to wake each morning. I truly love our planet Earth, and when I use her resources, it matters how I do so. I will always strive to do no harm. I am of course drawn to others who share this philosophy, and I seek them out if possible. In this last year, I needed to learn to use a computer to share my artwork. I don't drive, and I am a bit of a happy hermit, and I knew nothing whatsoever about computers and I would have been lost without the loving and extremely patient help from my sister Laura, who helped me every step of the way, thank you sister! I honestly did not believe I could do it, but here I am! My store is located on ETSY, and it is simply amazing, and I feel comfortable and happy there, and I feel privileged to be a very small part of it. I try to reuse, repurpose, and recycle whenever I can. I am always experimenting to that end. I am happy to share ideas whenever possible, and am open to creating special request items. What an amazing thing to be in touch with so many artists, tradesmen, and the whole wide world! Wow! I hope you enjoy my blog and my shop, which will have new works as often as possible. Sincerely, Lisette
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